it's all about attention

Our Team

and Experience
Trainer, Coach & Mediator


Founder and Owner of the ATTENTABILITY LLC
Expert in sustainable learning and attention-based facilitation.

My name is Sebastian Rudolf. I believe and trust in the power of attention.

In my career, I’ve established two adult education institutions, and I’ve practiced as a transformative mediator and coach for several years. I’ve also completed extensive training in hospice care, which has deepened my appreciation for compassion and presence in challenging situations. My academic background in business management, specializing in leadership and human resources, is complemented by hands-on experience in the automotive industry across Germany, the U.S., and China.

For nearly 20 years, I’ve dedicated myself to studying focus and attention. My journey began in 2006 during an extended stay at a Thai monastery – a transformative experience that sparked years of introspection and growth, forming the foundation of my work today. I now support individuals and organizations in navigating development and transformation processes.

Over time, I’ve come to recognize the strategic importance of calm, genuine dialogue, community-building, and mutual understanding in the workplace – especially in times of complexity and rapid change. To address these needs, I’ve designed and rigorously tested training programs that combine diverse methodologies to ensure meaningful impact.

AttentAbility LLC provides the platform for these offerings. Together with a team of experienced trainers and coaches, we consistently deliver unique development programs and ongoing coaching support for leaders and individual contributors, fostering growth and creating lasting value for those we work with.
Trainer, Coach & Autor


Professor of Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr.)
Expert in Appreciative Development and Innovation

My name is Reinhold Pabst.

I work in the Directorate Staff at the Fraunhofer Institute IOF in Jena, Germany. As an Innovation Strategist and experienced coach, my focus is on organizational development, open innovation, and design thinking. I have co-developed and lead key programs like the innovation research initiative “3Dsensation” and the leadership development program “Photonics Manager,” which are designed to provide leaders and teams with appreciative approaches to fostering successful collaboration.

In addition to my research work, I am also an author. My books, Appreciative Organizational Development and Appreciative Team Development, offer practical tools for leaders and organizations to implement sustainable, positive changes in their structures. These approaches, rooted in mindfulness and appreciation, help teams unlock their full potential and drive innovation more effectively.

My research is deeply focused on the future of organizations: How can companies integrate innovative thinking and agile methods into their frameworks? How do we foster collaboration within teams and build a culture defined by respect and openness? These are the driving questions that fuel both my research and coaching efforts as I work closely with leaders to support transformative processes in their organizations.

I place a strong emphasis on appreciative leadership because I believe that only by recognizing and enhancing individual contributions can genuine growth and innovation occur. This is also a central theme in my leadership development work and in my research on open innovation, where the exchange of knowledge and collaboration between diverse actors are key.
Trainer, Coach & Mediator


Vorsitzender des Bundesverband Mediation (BM)
Experte für transformative Mediation und transformatives Coaching

My name is Christian Hartwig.

As a mediator, my focus is on helping people in conflict situations regain their inner strength and ability to act. I primarily work with the transformative approach to mediation, which emphasizes natural shifts in conflict that arise from the parties themselves. I trust in the power of human interaction to unlock the potential for strength and compassion that exists in everyone.

A core principle of transformative mediation is the responsibility and autonomy of the parties involved. My role as a mediator is to guide the process with mindfulness and carefully chosen methods, without imposing solutions or steering the conversation in a specific direction. This means I don’t provide answers but create a space where participants can find their own.

This approach proves to be more sustainable and successful than traditional mediation methods, which often follow rigid, step-by-step models and result in external solutions that don’t resonate with all parties. Such outcomes often fail over time, leading to renewed tensions. In contrast, the transformative approach invests in long-lasting solutions that are satisfying for everyone involved.

To promote transformative mediation, I founded a specialized working group within the German Federal Mediation Association (BM) several years ago. Additionally, I serve on the board of the U.S.-based Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, where this method was developed in the 1990s. As a leading trainer for transformative mediation in Germany, I am dedicated to expanding and establishing this approach further.
Trainer & Coach


Ordained minister with the United Church of Christ in the USA, serving congregations and organizations in transition.
Trainer, Coach & Mediator


Professor of Business Management (Prof. Dr.)
First a long-standing management consultant and partner, then a commercial pilot for many years
Trainer & Coach


Social Educator in the realms of transformative learning experiences and mind-body work.
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